General Detail

Who attends this show?

Is the public invited to participate in the conference?

Do I have to bring my license to the show?

Where can I rent a motorized scooter?


How much does it cost to attend?

Can I apply more than one promo code to a purchase?

Do you offer group admission discounts?

Do PBA members get a discount? 

Where do I pick up my badge?

What should I do if I forget or lose my ticket?

What if I need special assistance at the show? 

Show Floor Restrictions

Can I bring my child to the show?

Can I bring my pet to the show?

Can I bring a roller bag to the show?

Education and Certification

Is Exhibit Hall admission included with paid education classes?

What type of education/conference program is offered?

Are CEU Credits available for attending classes?

Exhibitor Details

What types of companies exhibit at the show? 

How many exhibits will be seen at the Expo?

I am interested in exhibiting. Who should I contact?   


Is there anything else I should know about the show?

How can I join the mailing list or be notified about more information about the show?

Where the Spa and Wellness Industry Gathers!

Join us June 21-23, 2025!